Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday June 14, 2009 Training Ride

Week two took us on a more challenging ride from Solana Beach up Scripps Poway Parkway and back for a total of 55 miles. Today was a larger turnout for the Scott & BR Cycling team. I met a couple of new guys; Scott, who had a cool Rocky the Flying Squirrel toy mounted on his frame, and another guy whom I can remember his name. The ride started out mellow enough as they always do. I was talking a bit with a girl from the Triathlon Club who is recovering from some physical ailments and not racing much. She’s a strong rider though. Once again, the name escapes me. Group 2 had an incident ahead of us where a couple of riders went down on San Dieguito road. So, some of the riders from Group 2 got merged with our group (the “radio people”). I made the climb of the “3 witches” and on out to Scripps Poway Parkway in a mixed group which was fun. I got to talk to some people in that group. On the ride to the main climb on SPP, I rode with a guy and a girl talking about whether or not you could have a bowel movement while standing up. Interesting. I fell back to the next group.  I felt good on the main climb up SPP. I remember the first couple of time I made that climb and felt empathy for those riders who may have struggled. It’s a lonely feeling making a climb by yourself and we’ve all felt it at one point or another (well, except for those over-achievers). There was a SAG stop at the top where we chatted and regrouped before heading down. Scott K. had an incident with his drive train and went down. Fortunately no injuries and one of the other guys were able to at least temporarily fix the problem. The ride down was fun and the ride down the rest of SPP to Black Mtn. Road was at a nice pace. Then the accelerations and faster pace started on Black Mtn. Road and continued most all the way back with Christian setting the pace. It was good for me to ride with better riders and practice pace line skills and work on staying with a group during accelerations. We did a couple of regroups on the way back. It was a great ride and I really enjoyed it. I did a short run after wards for a little “brick” workout. Scott K. was talking to another guy about feeling a little apprehensive about swimming at the Cove. I chimed in that the Tri Club swims there on Friday evenings and it is a lot of fun and the safety of swimming with different level of swimmers. I hope he makes it out. He’ll be hooked.

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