Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sunday June 21, 2009 Training Ride

Well, I'm a couple of days late in my post and for that I apologize. The route Sunday was a beautiful ride up the coast to Oceanside and east on the San Luis Rey River Bike Path to Bonsall. Then on through Vista, Carlsbad and back down the coast to Solana Beach. Only trouble was I was sick with a bad cold. I felt that I needed to do the ride anyway, as I was going to miss the following week due to the San Diego International Triathlon. So, I showed up with the intent of riding as far as I could and turning back. I guess the adreniline made me feel better so I stuck with it and was happy I did. I had my first flat of these training rides just a 1/4 mile from the first SAG stop. I quickly got off the road and started changing my front tube and a couple of the group leads stopped to help. I was back on the road with them in no time. The pace of the ride increased during the final 20 miles and our group split into 2. We hammered down the coast from Carlsbad after the Pointsettia climb. After the ride, I got to talk to Vikki and Mike about fund raising. I started to feel a little more empowered for the fund raising side of the event with Mike's advise.

When I got home, the effects of a long ride and being sick hit and I pretty much slept off and on through the afternoon while watching the U.S. Open. I paid for the ride on Monday and ended up going to the doctor's for some antibiotics. I'm starting to feel a little better now and will hopefully be in good shape for the triathlon this week. I'll be missing the Anaheim trip which I assume will be a pretty important ride. I wish my fellow riders the best and look forward to seeing them next week.

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