Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday June 28, 2009 SDIT

Did you ever have one of those days where everything just sort of fell into place? I had one today. I didn't do the "Train to Anaheim" training ride with the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge riders because I competed in the San Diego International Triathlon. I've been sick all week and haven't been able to train; kind of a forced taper week. I volunteered at the race expo yesterday and last night was feeling the effect of some kind of respiratory illness and questioning whether or not I should race. I went to bed and forgot to set the alarm! Well, I awaken from a very strange dream at 4:17, just about the time I should get out of bed on race morning. I feel a little better than last night so I take it as an omen that I could actually get through the race. So, I get in the car and drive 8 west. Work men are getting ready to cut down a power line that spans the 8. I am one of the last cars through before the Highway Patrol performs a traffic break. Hmmmm. Ok, well I think to myself, "I'm just going to go with this". I talk to some friends at the transition area and then it's time to get into the water for the race start. Bob Babbitt from CAF and Competitor Magazine is chatting with the guys in the water, and there's a great vibe in the group. The horn blows, and when I do my first sight stroke, Bob's like a motor boat out in front of the pack and I smile to myself and get into my stroke. The swim goes really well; I only got smacked once. My bike leg goes really well and I started to feel strong. I found a nice, quick cadence for my run and kept it throughout, letting one of my fellow Triclub S. D. pace me through the run. I turn for the finish and see my bro & sis in-law and my nephew and friend holding a sign, "Go Uncle Rob, You're the Best!" Man, it just doesn't get better than that! I had trouble with my timer/heart rate monitor, so I had no idea what my finishing time was, but I really didn't care. It was a great day! Now, for a well deserved nap.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sunday June 21, 2009 Training Ride

Well, I'm a couple of days late in my post and for that I apologize. The route Sunday was a beautiful ride up the coast to Oceanside and east on the San Luis Rey River Bike Path to Bonsall. Then on through Vista, Carlsbad and back down the coast to Solana Beach. Only trouble was I was sick with a bad cold. I felt that I needed to do the ride anyway, as I was going to miss the following week due to the San Diego International Triathlon. So, I showed up with the intent of riding as far as I could and turning back. I guess the adreniline made me feel better so I stuck with it and was happy I did. I had my first flat of these training rides just a 1/4 mile from the first SAG stop. I quickly got off the road and started changing my front tube and a couple of the group leads stopped to help. I was back on the road with them in no time. The pace of the ride increased during the final 20 miles and our group split into 2. We hammered down the coast from Carlsbad after the Pointsettia climb. After the ride, I got to talk to Vikki and Mike about fund raising. I started to feel a little more empowered for the fund raising side of the event with Mike's advise.

When I got home, the effects of a long ride and being sick hit and I pretty much slept off and on through the afternoon while watching the U.S. Open. I paid for the ride on Monday and ended up going to the doctor's for some antibiotics. I'm starting to feel a little better now and will hopefully be in good shape for the triathlon this week. I'll be missing the Anaheim trip which I assume will be a pretty important ride. I wish my fellow riders the best and look forward to seeing them next week.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday June 14, 2009 Training Ride

Week two took us on a more challenging ride from Solana Beach up Scripps Poway Parkway and back for a total of 55 miles. Today was a larger turnout for the Scott & BR Cycling team. I met a couple of new guys; Scott, who had a cool Rocky the Flying Squirrel toy mounted on his frame, and another guy whom I can remember his name. The ride started out mellow enough as they always do. I was talking a bit with a girl from the Triathlon Club who is recovering from some physical ailments and not racing much. She’s a strong rider though. Once again, the name escapes me. Group 2 had an incident ahead of us where a couple of riders went down on San Dieguito road. So, some of the riders from Group 2 got merged with our group (the “radio people”). I made the climb of the “3 witches” and on out to Scripps Poway Parkway in a mixed group which was fun. I got to talk to some people in that group. On the ride to the main climb on SPP, I rode with a guy and a girl talking about whether or not you could have a bowel movement while standing up. Interesting. I fell back to the next group.  I felt good on the main climb up SPP. I remember the first couple of time I made that climb and felt empathy for those riders who may have struggled. It’s a lonely feeling making a climb by yourself and we’ve all felt it at one point or another (well, except for those over-achievers). There was a SAG stop at the top where we chatted and regrouped before heading down. Scott K. had an incident with his drive train and went down. Fortunately no injuries and one of the other guys were able to at least temporarily fix the problem. The ride down was fun and the ride down the rest of SPP to Black Mtn. Road was at a nice pace. Then the accelerations and faster pace started on Black Mtn. Road and continued most all the way back with Christian setting the pace. It was good for me to ride with better riders and practice pace line skills and work on staying with a group during accelerations. We did a couple of regroups on the way back. It was a great ride and I really enjoyed it. I did a short run after wards for a little “brick” workout. Scott K. was talking to another guy about feeling a little apprehensive about swimming at the Cove. I chimed in that the Tri Club swims there on Friday evenings and it is a lot of fun and the safety of swimming with different level of swimmers. I hope he makes it out. He’ll be hooked.

Sunday June 07, 2009 Training Ride

Day one of training with the Scott and BR Cycling Team benefitting the Challenged Athletes Foundation. I’m already psyched about participating. I’m still wondering how I got in and grateful that I have. I rode with some really good people today on the first 40 mile training ride with the Qualcomm riders and my fellow “radio people” riders. I talked to Mike Henderson, last year’s winner about occupations, cycling and little things while riding on the return leg from Oceanside to Del Mar. I got to talk to a couple of the other Qualcomm riders and alums about their experiences. One of the guys who was one of our “radio people’s” group leaders told me about the beauty of riding in Big Sur last year and the humility of helping a soldier for Operation Rebound get up Torrey Pines hill. I had read about this soldier myself. He had taken a mortar in the side of his body. He had a mistyped blood transfusion and almost died several times. He was riding a hand cycle up Torrey and struggling I believe the story went. I hope that I’m able to ride alongside a brave challenged athlete along the way in my training and fund raising for the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Extraordinary people doing extraordinary things. I was happy to meet Scott Kaplan and Billy Ray Smith. I was sad to hear that Br had crashed on the way up to Oceanside. He wasn’t seriously hurt but his ride was over as he caught the SAG wagon back. Luckily Scott K. was riding along side. Hope Br continues riding with us. I’m even more inspired to do what I can to raise funds for Challenged Athletes. Tried to get my fund raising page up from my Team DefenseWeb Triathlon Challenge registration, but can’t find my login info. Better luck tomorrow. Grateful to be participating. Now, out for an afternoon run.