Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunday September 20, 2009 Training Ride

After missing last week's double century ride it was back in the saddle with the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge riders for the Great Western Loop training ride.  This is a very well known ride with over 3,400 feet of climbing over the ride's 40 miles.  It's a beautiful ride and one I've been looking forward to for a long time.  There are 5 riders left in XX1090 Sports Radio's Scott and BR Cycling Challenge.  The last immunity was given out to Joy.  She enlisted the other remaining contestants in decorating the Immunity Challenge bike pump for the final time.  It looks sweet.

The ride was great!  I rode with Adam in Group 1/2 through the first part of the ride.  Most of the major climbs are in this first 20 miles.  After the SAG stop in Alpine, Adam left with a couple of other fast riders and I held back and rode with Jack and Ron(?) - I'm so bad with names. :(    Anyway, it was great riding with them as we kept a good tempo without hammering.  The ride back to Rancho San Diego from Alpine is beautiful.

I hung out for quite a while with the other riders, chatting about the ride, different experiences during the QMDC training rides and fundraising.  Good times.

I spent the afternoon with my nephew, Matthew, riding bikes around Mission Bay (I can never get enough), then playing a little tennis before settling in to watch the Chargers fall to the Baltimore Ravins.  Tough game all the way around, but that's a topic for another blog.

This week, the Scott and BR Cycling Challenge cut down to 3.  Congratulations go out to Adam, Alex and Joy.  Great work you guys; and gal!

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