Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday July 19, 2009 Training Ride

What do you know? I'm still riding with the Scott & BR Cycling Team. I'm excited to have survived the first "cut". Congratulations go out to Joy who got immunity... she deserved it for the effort she put into her campaign. Today's ride began with some comments from Scout Bassett and Travis. Both expressed their sincere appreciation for allowing them to receive the financial and emotional support that CAF provides so they can have a chance to excel in athletics and live a healthy, active lifestyle that is so important to them. We're doing good stuff here and I'm glad to be apart of it.

The ride today was great and I got to talk to a number of fellow contestants from the Scott & BR Cycling Team, especially to Ron and Alex. Since today's ride was long but mostly flat (Del Mar to San Clemente and back) we got plenty of opportunities to work on our pace line skills and to go fast. That was a lot of fun. Kevin, one of the ride leads coached me up a bit by reminding me to slow just a tad when I come off my turn in front. I still have a bad habit of pushing too much after my pull. I'm learning a lot about cycling just by riding with a group of great riders and great people.

BTW, "Antartic" Mike finished his 62+ mile record setting swim in the pool on Saturday after 30 some hours. Wow! Plus, he was doing 1:20 100 meter intervals towards the end. Truly astonishing. Congrats to Mike! 'Til next time, so long, and please remember to visit my CAF donation page.

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