Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday July 26, 2009 Training Ride

Well today was Mount Palomar. That's a 26 mile ride from the valley floor to the top. A bunch of us rode to the observatory to round it out at an even 36 miles. Seeing the observatory on the climb up is really cool. The climb is long, hot, and painful. There are great views as you round the switchbacks, but mostly it's a big suffer-fest. As usual, we had great support from the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge girls, accompanied by "Pete", coach Mari's Yorkie. After a quick regroup after returning from the observatory, it was time for the descent. Please see this youtube video for a taste of what it's like. I just happened to find it while looking for pictures of Palomar.

Now for the bad news. After descending about 500 feet down, Alex, one of our Scott and BR Cycling Team members crashed after his front tire blew out. Alex is a really strong rider and like he said, there was nothing he could do when the tire blew. I was about 150 feet in back of his group when it happened, and he was the trailing rider in the group, so no one else was involved. The parametics took care of him until the ambulance came. I just now heard that Alex fractured his collar bone and separated his shoulder. Yikes. Get well fast!

The rest of the ride down was uneventful although I got dropped by my group on the descent (being extra cautious). So I rode back to the valley pretty much solo. Tough ride. Tough day. Looking forward to next week. Once again, get well fast, Alex!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday July 19, 2009 Training Ride

What do you know? I'm still riding with the Scott & BR Cycling Team. I'm excited to have survived the first "cut". Congratulations go out to Joy who got immunity... she deserved it for the effort she put into her campaign. Today's ride began with some comments from Scout Bassett and Travis. Both expressed their sincere appreciation for allowing them to receive the financial and emotional support that CAF provides so they can have a chance to excel in athletics and live a healthy, active lifestyle that is so important to them. We're doing good stuff here and I'm glad to be apart of it.

The ride today was great and I got to talk to a number of fellow contestants from the Scott & BR Cycling Team, especially to Ron and Alex. Since today's ride was long but mostly flat (Del Mar to San Clemente and back) we got plenty of opportunities to work on our pace line skills and to go fast. That was a lot of fun. Kevin, one of the ride leads coached me up a bit by reminding me to slow just a tad when I come off my turn in front. I still have a bad habit of pushing too much after my pull. I'm learning a lot about cycling just by riding with a group of great riders and great people.

BTW, "Antartic" Mike finished his 62+ mile record setting swim in the pool on Saturday after 30 some hours. Wow! Plus, he was doing 1:20 100 meter intervals towards the end. Truly astonishing. Congrats to Mike! 'Til next time, so long, and please remember to visit my CAF donation page.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12, 2009 Training Ride

Today's ride was hot, hot, hot. The day started out nice and cool as we rolled out of Fletcher Cove in Solona Beach. I rode with group 2 today and was just a little nervous because I knew there were some pretty good riders in that group. I felt comfortable right away though as we all chatted during the easy pace of the first miles of this 68 mile ride. The group stuck together pretty well until Del Dios Hwy. We did a regroup before heading into Escondido which where the first SAG stop was.

Heading out on Hwy 395 our ride leader, Lisa, got a pace line going. That was totally fun. It's a little nerve-racking as everyone has to be really attentive to the riders around them, road conditions and especially the wheel in front of them. I started to relax a little when I started focusing a little more up the road instead of directly on the wheel I was following. We kept a good pace, and everyone participated. We got another one going in Bonsal before we got to the bike path to Oceanside.

I got the opportunity to talk a little bit with a lot of the riders. "Antartic" Mike rode in our group and I got to find out a little bit about his attempt to break the pool lap swim record on Friday, July 17. His bid a couple of months ago was postponed as his wife got sick and is currently undergoing treatment. If you're around the Lomas Santa Fe Boys and Girls club on Friday or Saturday, stop by and swim a few laps with him.

I remain appreciative to the Scott & BR Cycling Team for the opportunity to ride with such a great group of people. Tuesday's the first cut will be announced. Fingers crossed!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday July 5, 2009 Velodrome Clinic

QCMD at San Diego Velodrome
Today's clinic at the San Diego Velodrome was fun. And a little scary. I've never been on a fixed gear bike before. (Well, since my Schwinn Stingray). Lots of casual actions don't apply like coasting and breaking. Toe clips (loaner bikes thanks to San Diego Velodrome) instead of clip-ins. Add that with a banked oval track and you've go a lot of non-track riders like me a little worried. I was concerned that I was going to slip off the track on a corner and take a whole bunch of people down during my first lap. But after a couple of loops, I started to feel comfortable and the clinic started to be fun. I've found that one of the great things about the opportunity to participate in the Scott & BR Cycling Team contest is the chance to do things out of my comfort zone. And it seems that that's what my fellow contestants and the other riders are doing - pushing the envelope a little bit. Getting out there and experiencing life. And that's the opportunity that the Challenged Athletes Foundation is giving to their athletes. The opportunity to get out there and participate.

We had a lot of fun cheering each other on in the track races the velodrome coach organized for us. Also, I had a lot of fun talking with my fellow contestants and other QCMDC riders during the time between races.

My nephew Matthew turned 9 years old today. Uncle Rob and Aunt Evelyn bought him a mountain bike for his birthday; his first "big boy's bike." After a little bit of a wobbly start, he started riding and having a ball. Kind of like his uncle this morning.