Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday August 2, 2009 Workout at Fitness Quest 10

Today was another chance at immunity by means of a 10 question pop quiz before a great workout at Fitness Quest 10 put on by Pat Jack. The quiz was comprised of 5 questions about the Scott & BR show and 5 questions about the Challenged Athletes Foundation. I thought I knew my stuff until I got tested on it. The test was well crafted but if I was being scored, I probably did about a 60%. Sad, sad. The immunity pump that was decorated in lots of bling, courtesy of Joy, went to Brian, so he'll rest easy Tuesday morning while the rest of us sweat out the cut down to 10.

As for the workout, it was great. Pat gave a great talk on why spending some time in the gym doing the right kind of active workout is so important to improving our cycling. After that, we went outside and did a bunch of strength and agility drills. It reminded me the first practices of the season in high school football. It was fun and challenging. We finished off, by doing some stretching which I am sorely in need of.

I had proposed a ride when the details of today's workout was announced by Mike Hunter. Our workout went longer than I had anticipated and I had a ride scheduled with my nephew in the afternoon, so I bowed out of the ride with the Scott & BR contestants. My ride with my nephew was great although Mission Bay was really crowded, and he got ran over by an overly zealous (to say the least) soccer player. Matt was fine although a little shaken up. I managed to hold my temper at the offending... well, let's just leave it at that.

I'm a little concerned about Tuesday as my fund raising efforts have been less than successful. Either way it goes, it has been a privilege to be able to participate. I'll let you know my fate as we cut down to 10.

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